Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Will My kids ever get better. My daughter now has the stomache flu and my oldest has I think has a rebound of Strep Throat. I got the stomache flu as well(ick). They need to start to feel better, and it is starting to affect my attendence at work, I only missed two days in the 12 weeks. I did get phone call from my boss to see if I still wanted to work. i can't help it if I am sick and my kid is throwing up. I am sorry I am unloading , my boss is understanding for the most part. She has a good heart and trys to be fair. But I think Her age kind does not of holds her back a bit in some areas. Hey look it I am complaining, Waht is the friggin point of that , Complaining does not make anything better, it can make things worse

Friday, November 13, 2009

It is TGIF yeah

I am so happy it is Friday. My daughter is still sick with strep throat. I had to take her back to see the Doctor. After finishing her antibiotics she still was sick, so I had to pick up some more antibiotics. I swear The pharmacists are sick of seeing me. My son has offically started driver training. It is so scary my baby will be driving. I am not old enough to have a child driving. Who am I kidding , I am so old enough.
This is a quick entry today. So have an awesome weekend. Look after yourself and get lots of rest. It will scare the sick bugs away. God Bless.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Countinued H1N1 Is Everywhere

With The Amount Of Kids Sick They Can Not Send Any Homework Due To The Big Craze Over H1N1. 30% Of Kids Are Gone Of The School Of 100 Kids. Until Things Simmer Down They have to Wash Their Hands everytime They enter And Leave A room. After Playing Any Game In Gym Or At Recess, They Have To Wash Their Hands, This School Has Bought Handsantizer In every Room.

People Are Making A Huge Deal Of Something So Little, The H1N1 Has Not Killed More Than A 100 People Yet And It Has Been A year Tops. The Common Flu Kills 4000 people In A good Year And 8000 People On A Bad year. Plus think The Spanish Flu Was Worse. Now That Was A Pandemic. Nurses & Doctors Say Every 80 years or 60 years There Will Be A Big Pandemic But Just Think For A second How DO THEY KNOW THAT. It's Like Saying the World Will end In 2012 How Do They Know That? So Don't Follow Everything You hear!

H1N1 is everywhere

I have been very lowkey this last three weeks. It started with my oldest son. He had a very high teperature and was coughing all night. I took him to the hospital and had him tested for H1N1 and got tested for mono and strep. The next day my Husband and my other two children got instantly sick . They Had a 103 degree fever coughing and sore throat. My oldest sons test came back and tested positive for H1N1 and positive for strep throat. My daughter recovered quickly from H1N1 , she got better in five days. This last week she was getting pretty sick again and took her to the doctor and found out she had Step throat infection and stayed home all week.

The Schools in town have been hit seriously with H1N1.
School Dances Have Been Cancelled Latley Because Of The Amount Of Kids Gone.

Friday, October 16, 2009

French woman do not get fat

ffDo you believe this? I sure do. everything needs a balance. If your are going to eat cheeseburgers everyday you are going to look like one. This past weekend was thanksgiving, and for once in a very long time i pigged out. i did not gain a pound. You problably know by now That I recently started cooking French cuisine. Which means cooking in higher fat content( butter butter and more butter)I really stick to my portions and still eat alot of fruit and veggies. I have been doing this for over a month and not a pound is on . Actually I am down two pounds. So it can be done. I should tell you I have Been maintaining my weight for about 6 years. this is not an easy thing. I had had my moments of being a bad girl( aren't we all).

Sorry enough of the weight talk, it is my j ob however. My encouragement for the day is love your self , woman are beautiful creaturesand besides God does not make junk!

Have a wonderful weekend

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

it is time to stop pushing myself

Why do we set such high standards for ourselves? I do not know why. We are not God. We need to go through trials in life. It is what makes us stronger. I set high standards for myself,and it has to stop. I just had a huge meltdown at work, because of stressing so much on these standards. I need to focus on the things I have( Like a personal inventory). I have a loving husband , three wonderful kids , and a job that can work around a my schedule. I can get so focused on the things i do not have( kind of like being greedy) I forget what I have been blessed with.

I think we should still strive be be better as a person( there is always room for improvment) WE need to draw the fine line between what we can change and what we can not change. Anyone out there reading this, give me your thoughts?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It si Sunday September 20 and it is freezing outside. Yesterday, was 37 degrees celsius( that is 90 in USA). THat is what it is like up here in Swift Current SK.

I had to work Yesterday, it went super busy. My kids Are all out off sorts today, they have the sniffles and sore throats. It figgers, school is back on and the kids get sick. I fell awesome today, because I went toChurch . It is the first time in Months, in the last few months I have felt too sick to go. It feels so good to be back and all my kids went with me. My husband was doing a course all weekend so he did not come with us .

We all went to visit My Grandma in the nursing home. We usually see her every Sunday( Most of the time,but i wish it can be more). I just need to make time to do it, I do tend to make excuses of not to go(I know it is a bad way of thinking,but i am work in progress). Nursing Homes are not my favorite place. My dad was in one for a little while just before he died. it brings back alot of painful memories

Engoy the time with your family. Make everyday count. Do not let anger control you

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hot hot Hot

Good evening! I have been busy at work today ! It has been really hot this week. It actually was summer outside. We sure did nogt get much of a summer in July andAugust. Better late than never. Yesterday it was 37 degrees celsuis and today was 30. We are just not used to this heat.

I am really liking my My new work schedule. I sure like having two days of during the week. I am a Mom again. Working thirty hours a week makes me get caught up on things(like Housework) The best thing is my kids get to have their Mom back. My oldest one even said he likes me being at home more. This is surprising cause he usually does not want to have anything to do with me. I feel like i ahave more energy and not like a zombie most of the week. My kids get more Mom time.

I have cooking more recipes of Julia child. I am afraid to say that I am hooked. The food is so flavorful , the kids so far Have loved everything I have cooked so far. Hey, wait of minute that is a lie, the coleslaw recipe that I did was not good at all. But fear not, Iam not defeated, I am going to try it again and fix it ( that is what recipes are for right?) I reccommend any body to go out your confort zone and try new Cooking skills, it keeps things interesting.

well, everybody God bless and live each day to the fullest. If any moms are reading this take time for yourself. as Moms we are busy with everybody else, we get put on the back burner. Remember we are all what our kids have,and they need us to be looked after too. Good Night !

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Being Julia child Agai

Today it is my Baby sisters birthday! I am going to try Julias Master Coleslaw recipe. I think I am getting addicted with her recipes. I found the movie inspiring. i have to do it in moderation, because I work in the weight loss industryand I work very hard at maintaining my weight. I know the recipes call for real butter and heavy cream, but i think that if I try to thin them down to make them sort of healthy.

Has anybody read " French Women Do not Get Fat"? The french people are around this food all the time. I do not think This kind of food will make you fat unless you over induldge yourself.

Well i better get going, I be back later to let you know how it turned out. How hard can it be?

Friday, September 11, 2009

it is fun being being Julia Child

I challenge everybody to do a Julia Child Project. I am reading the book Julie and Julia and I have also watched the movie. Ever since I watched it on tuesday I have been craving one of her meals( no I am not preggers). one recipe came to mind Beef and red wine sauce. On thursday I had the day off and I was dterminned to get the recipe. I went to Coles Bookstore to find her book "Masterinng the Art of French Cooking", but of course they were out, but I did not stop there. There happened to be a book about her french cooking techniques,and that recipe was in there, so i bought it and ordered the other cook book( It has 750 pages in it). After that was all done , I went to the Farmers Market and bought fresh veggies and went to the grocery store to get the rest of the ingredients. If you are familar with Julia at all, she cooks with wine, alot( well it is french cooking). I have never cooked with wine ever( I do not even drink it!)

I did it! I cooked the recipe! it took all afternoon, But I did it. It is supposed to take two and a half hours,but I was not used to cooking this way( It was actually a cooking lesson). My husband came frm work, he said when opened his van door he smelled the food instantly. I felt so awesome I did something Idid not do before, and it was so rewarding. Everbody (even my kids) loved it. The taste was heavenly!!!! Every body needs to cook with wine! I felt so good about myself, I cooked a lovely meal that my family all enjoyed( something that has not happened in a long time). I was was so busy with everything , it controlled me, and becuase of that it took away the simple pleasure of cooking for my family. My kids told me that missed my cooking! So people do not let todays trials control you. You will lose out on something special.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weekend is gone

Hello, Everyone or nobody

I enjoyed my weekend camping, but the sleep was not great.
WE actually had a summer weekend , go figger. Camping is such a good mini holiday for me, it is so relaxing. All your worry is what to do and what to eat,and you do not have to run any kids anywhere. I had a day off yesterday, and enjoyed it. I cleaned, but I always think I can do more. I baked Healthy Breakfast cookies(yummy), and Banana bread.( these are diet worthy)
I had a blond moment yesterday. I strared to trim my little puppy, but I ran out of time becuase I had a date night planned with my good friend. My dog looks pretty funny right now because she is only have shaved. My brother inlaw said why did I bother, he said I should of just had somebody else do it. No, Why pay 40-50 dollars whenyou can do it your self, Right? So guess what I have to do tonight?

I had a good Date with my gal pal. We had dinner at a local restaurant, and watched the Movie "julie and Julia". I do reccommend you to see, but see it with a gal friend (I am sure the hubby would not enjoy it).

WEll one awesome thing is about this week is that it is a short week . I just work today and friday and have the weekend off.

who ever is readinge i am sorry about the mistakes because i have huge brain fog.

Have an awesome week and may you be blessed!

By for now

Friday, September 4, 2009

today is Friday and I cannot wait for the weekend, because we are going CAMPING. I am looking forward to Just relaxing by the fire and spending time with my kids. Speaking of my kids, My oldest is 14.5 and is an expert on everything. He has had three classes of welding and he thinks he knows it. Middle child is a old man trapped in a 13 yearolds body, his farvorite thing is talking and of course paintball. My youngest is A Diva, and she is a master organiser. It is pretty sad when you have to ask your 11 yearold child where things are or what is going on for the day.

My tip for everybody is to live in the now!
Stop the "should of " Could of" crap!
what is the Friggin Point?
you are just wasting sweet energy that can be hard to come by

WEll that is all for now folks. My life as a mother, daughter. sister might be just simple, but guess what it is Mine and you can't Have it! LOL