Friday, October 16, 2009

French woman do not get fat

ffDo you believe this? I sure do. everything needs a balance. If your are going to eat cheeseburgers everyday you are going to look like one. This past weekend was thanksgiving, and for once in a very long time i pigged out. i did not gain a pound. You problably know by now That I recently started cooking French cuisine. Which means cooking in higher fat content( butter butter and more butter)I really stick to my portions and still eat alot of fruit and veggies. I have been doing this for over a month and not a pound is on . Actually I am down two pounds. So it can be done. I should tell you I have Been maintaining my weight for about 6 years. this is not an easy thing. I had had my moments of being a bad girl( aren't we all).

Sorry enough of the weight talk, it is my j ob however. My encouragement for the day is love your self , woman are beautiful creaturesand besides God does not make junk!

Have a wonderful weekend