Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Opps Its starting again (Having sick kids)

Burrrrr it is cold. It is only minus 14 but it feels colder. Our first bit of snow came yesterday. It is funny when the first bit of snow comes, it throws everyone out of their element. I don't know why we had cold weather since time began(lol). My oldest son is sick again, he has been sick since last week and has missed two days of school. I think it is strep throat he gets it around this time of year.

This last week has been busy with kids and their volloeyball tournaments, My jewellery shows, my husband firefighter convention. This week is no better, but such is life when you have three kids and a husband. I would not trade it in for the world.

Well that is it for to day. I have so much on my mind(lol). I wonder why i have no followers. ha

God Bless

Friday, October 15, 2010

Living a life wiuth a purpose

Another week gone. done done. Then it starts all over again and again. It seems like a never ending cycle in our lifes. We go from place A to place b. Pick up kid one and drop off kids 2 and 3. We tend to live our lives like robots. Being on this earth is a gift from God. We need to embrace the things that we have and not complain that we have them. We need to live our lives with gladness and shower people with kindness. We need to live our lives to the best each day, like it is going to be our last.

Yes I am thinking a little deep for a Friday afternoon. I found out that a 45 year old father died today. He left a young family behind. He is that not much older than me. My father died on his 57 birthday almost three years ago. We all need to wake up!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weather weather

Why does The weather reflect how our mood is? It is raining today( what is new with that , We have had more rain than Vancouver this year, now that is wrong). Just because it is crappy outside. I am still going to be happy even it it kills me. I have a long day ahead of me . I work till five and I have a Liasophia Jewellery party at 7:00to do.

Iam Iam sorry that is all I have on my mind today! I am blaming it on the Rain!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I am back

It has been a long time since i blogged. I alot has happened since I was on Last
I am no longer a health coach . I started a new position September 27 as a receptionist at a massage clinic. My life is no different that any other working mom. it is another year of new beginings for my kids school. So far my son is doing fine at high School(no calls at from the Principal). My twelve yearold girl is more of a diva than she was Last year. My other son is the same still an ,old man trapped in a 14 yearold body. This fall is looking pretty good. My health is back on track and my new job is more family friendy.

bye for now
